Cost of Living in Finland

Cost of Living

Average Cost of Living

Planning a move to Finland? Here’s everything you need to know about housing, salaries, education, and healthcare costs before moving to Finland.

For a two-parent, two-child family, it costs US$6091 | €5634 per month; US$73090 | €67608 per year to live in Finland. The calculation includes 2-room apartment rental costs, a car loan monthly payment, utilities, groceries, entertainment, and a 2-week vacation once a year.

A cost of living in Helsinki City Center for a family of 4 is US$6973 | €6450 per month; US$83676 | €77400 per year that is 15% higher than outside of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Single person monthly costs in Helsinki start at US$1676 | €1550, US$20108 | €18600 per year.


Helsinki rent (40m²)

€ 912 / month

Finland rent (40m²)

€ 652 / month

Helsinki home price (100m²)

€ 509000

Finland home price (100m²)

€ 242000


Energy bill (40m²)

€ 50 / month

Water bill

€ 20 / month

5G Internet

€ 30 / month

Mobile phone plan

€ 26 / month


Monthly bus pass

€ 50 / month

Petrol 95E

€ 2.3 / liter

E-car charging

€ 0.32 / min


Doctor’s visit

€ 0-20

Dentist’s visit

€ 13.3

Vet visit

€ 39

Food & Drinks

1l Milk

€ 0.95

10 Eggs

€ 2.10


€ 2.3


€ 3.5 / 50cl

Cup of coffee

€ 2.5


€ 12


Women haircut

€ 55

Yoga class

€ 19

Cinema ticket

€ 15